Sunday, October 18, 2009

Well darn if Im not having all sorts of trouble with the plow. You see, the plow is 30+ years old and the tractor is less than 5 years old. They are not compatible. Ive been trying to find a place that has an adapter of some sort, but everywhere suggests I try somewhere else.

My trips up to the farm have mostly been taken up by moving the refuse from the fallen oak tree down to the burn pile; its getting pretty sizable. Ill probably have a huge bonfire around the solstice. Perhaps Ill throw a trellis christening/bonfire party. Ill keep everyone up to date on that.

My compost is not composting. I think I need more nitrogenous material in it. the horse manure is mostly wood-chips. I may have to buy a dump-truck load of pig manure, which is really something I look forward to dealing with. Im going to have to make some money if I am going to be able to afford all of this. Ive still got to buy rhizomes, an irrigation system, and any compostables I get delivered. It seems a waste to spend the christmas money I don't even have yet on pig shit, but Oh well, you've gotta do what you've gotta do.

1 comment:

Bill DeBaun said...

Just found this blog. Fantastic idea. I really admire your project! You should set up a Paypal account so people can donate to your efforts.
